Housing Finance Bank partnered with Habitat for Humanity and the Buganda Kingdom to champion the “Decent Living Campaign.” This is an initiative aimed at improving lives through decent shelter, better livelihood, access to safe and clean water, better hygiene and sanitation with an objective to support approximately 360 individuals by 2030.
This was kicked off with a ground breaking ceremony in Entebbe, Busiro county on July 27, 2019 where the first set of houses will be constructed, and more are to be constructed in each of the other 6 counties of Kyadondo, Ssingo, Mawokota and Kyaggwe.
Housing Finance Bank partnered with Habitat for Humanity and the Buganda Kingdom to champion the “Decent Living Campaign.” This is an initiative aimed at improving lives through decent shelter, better livelihood, access to safe and clean water, better hygiene and sanitation with an objective to support approximately 360 individuals by 2030.
This was kicked off with a ground breaking ceremony in Entebbe, Busiro county on July 27, 2019 where the first set of houses will be constructed, and more are to be constructed in each of the other 6 counties of Kyadondo, Ssingo, Mawokota and Kyaggwe.